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Sep 57 min read
Remembering the Doctor!
Finding freedom as an adult to use your creative space involves finding talents and inheriting certain qualities from the world's soul...
Aug 233 min read
Sweetness of Sweat
Our smallest school is not close to the main road. You have to drive down narrow streets and winding roads, beyond the Samosa/Chai Shop,...
Aug 12 min read
Exceptional Talent, Not Limitation
What initially astounded me was not the art itself but rather its creator and his inventiveness.
May 176 min read
A Protector from the Ruins
"I learned to sketch", he said gleefully. Azeem continued to speak in English, surprising me and unconsciously filling me with pride.
Feb 21, 20234 min read
The Book
As I hold the thin book in my hand, I drooled to the beauty and charm it exuded. It was authentic, original, easy to read and best suited...
Mar 30, 20223 min read
Love. Respect. Obedience. - A Question to Ponder
Student Stories What motivates the heart? What is the foundation for giving love, being obedient or showing respect? Do they work...
Oct 22, 20213 min read
As Sweet As Sugar
Teacher Stories As a teacher, I have a confession to make: I don’t teach every time. Kanchapur is the smallest school and as of now, I am...
Sep 21, 20212 min read
A Short Chat with Som Sir
Teacher Stories A little chiseling is needed to help us grow. When I first started working with JanPragati, I never thought it would...
Aug 3, 20212 min read
Receiving Permission from the King
Student Stories Presenting to you this month Mr. Shah Jahan! As an 11 year old, he stays in Makhdoompur slum, and his favourite hobby is...
Aug 22, 20194 min read
The Pilgrims’ Progress
In the month of April, we came up with the idea of making a trip to Uttarakhand, intending to bring awareness about Sexual abuse,...
Aug 5, 20195 min read
The Assam Trip
Finally, the long-awaited day had come when we packed our bags to catch our train to Assam. We were not sure of the trip until the moment...
Jul 10, 20192 min read
A Battle fought for Pads; A war won for Hygiene
“An Achievement for BHAMINI” “Every time we find a girl complaining about her menstrual health and white discharge, we would try to...
Mar 11, 20162 min read
That’s No Ordinary Thing!
Women were asked to bring a thing they identify with and to tell a story. It was amazing to hear how they thought out of the ordinary!...
Feb 6, 20162 min read
I Create Chikan Designs- Authentic Lakhnawi!
We are excited to present to you our new tailoring unit in Akbar nagar inaugurated on 26th January. Tailoring unit will serve as a...
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